GTA Seminar 2008, Singapore: A Little Green Dot?

12/01/2008 12:25

Saturday 5 April 2008 


York Hotel

Singapore is often lauded to be a model garden-city, with policy regulations on and attention to environmental conservation, waste management and increasingly, social awareness in ecological issues. However, the spotlight on Singapore as a clean and green/blue country neglects areas where there are justifiable concerns about environmental degradation and neglect. These concerns are evident in the urban encroachment on nature sites and the pursuit of environmental causes by the corporate sector. The GTA 2008 Seminar hopes to generate discussion on the vision of Singapore as a sustainable city and environment-conscious community, as well as the attendant realities and frustrations of fulfilling these goals.  The ultimate question we ask is whether Singapore is headed towards becoming a ‘green/blue’ country, or whether urban modernisation and economic progress have undermined this goal, and will continue doing so into the future. 

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